Our projects

Listed below are current research projects led by undergraduate students.

Evaluating Stepping-In-Place and 6-minute walking test protocols

Which Walking/Stepping-in-Place Parameters Contribute the Most to breathlessness, fatigue and increased heart rate? Based on these parameters, how can AI be used to create personalized exercise protocols?

person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs
person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Google Fit's Step Counting Precision & Its Reflection of Indoor Physical Activity

With the rising importance of precise indoor activity tracking, especially in clinical settings, how accurate is the Google Fit application, and how does it compare with the Ambulosono device?

Google light signage
Google light signage

Ambulosono training and SLST: Evaluating the Efficacy of Ambulosono Facilitated Ankle ROM Training and its Impact on Balance in Healthy Individuals

Does Ambulosono-facilitated ankle ROM training improve balance among healthy individuals?

  • Measured via SLST tests

  • Ambulosono is used to conduct tests at home

photo of silhouette photo of man standing on rock
photo of silhouette photo of man standing on rock

Comparative Assessment of Ankle Joint Dorsiflexion Measurement: Evaluating the Accuracy of the Ambulosono Device in Healthy Individuals

How accurate is the Ambulosono device in comparison to the traditional goniometer in measuring ankle joint dorsiflexion and plantarflexion?

  • Special project done in collaboration with Al Faisal University

brown and white skeleton foot
brown and white skeleton foot

Evaluation of the Confounding Factors Influencing the Results of 6MWT

What is the effect of setting (structured vs. naturalistic) on the distance walked? What is the effect of condition (music, verbal, silent) on distance walked within each setting? What are the practical implications of our findings for patients and healthcare providers in various environments?

silhouette of person walking under white clouds
silhouette of person walking under white clouds

Harmonizing the Mind and Body: Investigating the Modulation of Cognitive Abilities through Physical Activities and Music – A Wearable Sensor-based Interventional Study

How do physical activities with or without music modulate cognitive ability, specifically in working memory and attention?

  • A special project done with the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

woman laying on bed near gray radio
woman laying on bed near gray radio